Wednesday, July 30, 2008

amalgam debate


I believe amalgam is a very serious health risk. Mercury is a poison - poisons have in my opinion a characteristic of not being able to be 'passed' efficiently by the body as well as being toxic. So it stays and pollutes. Now: with amalgam, one thing that is clear from all points of view (pro, con), is that tiny amounts of mercury are whittled off the filling each day - based on this and the mercury 'poison factor' above, this means that the body's mercury stores will increase over time - which inhibits the immune system (the body's resources are diverted to mercury management), and can result, on a mild level, in fatigue, retarded muscular repair, etc; and in more extreme cases (more mercury, and/or more sensitive body system), symptoms that tend toward more acute mercury poisoning.

Now: couple this with the mercury 'boost' received from a thiomersal vaccination, and it can be disastrous.
On this note - please bear in mind- when looked at in isolation, all be the effects visible and real, these effects may seem benign and relatively harmless, but we live in a "AND" world not an "OR" world - i.e. we have multiple compounding factors..

AND LASTLY: mankind relies too much on 'studies' and 'experts' - this is a distortion and can be manipulated as we have seen many times. It also dis-empowers us. Reality is simple - the more this is seen, the more it is realised. We should take the responsibility back and think these things through with basic knowledge and reasoning - yes, I accept a study that says mercury is a poison (this can be very simply proven by anyone at home with a broken thermometer and a mouse), I accept a study that says mercury is released in tiny amounts (sure, you may need a strong magnifier and sensitive urine test, but this is still very quantifiable) - but from there we MUST use deductive reasoning to decide whether this is a benign or dangerous or otherwise. We must use deductive reasoning to think about the difference between mercury and say, rotten food - both can kill, but one is 'passed' quite well, the other not. To read a study on "autism" causes, is like looking at an old man in order to understand fertilisation. Too many other factors - too much confusion - too much scope for obfuscation

Nuff said.

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