Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Why faces matter to Facebook - CNN.com

Why faces matter to Facebook - CNN.com: Facebook really wants to know what you look like.

The social network this week acquired Face.com, a face-recognition technology company whose Facebook and mobile apps can identify people's faces in photos.

One of Face.com's apps, KLIK, aims to identify Facebook friends' faces on mobile-phone photos as they're taken.

"Fire up KLIK and watch as your friends' names instantly appear next to their faces before or after you snap a photo," the company says on its iTunes page for the app. "If KLIK doesn't recognize a face use the new 'Learn' mode to train and improve recognition."

Another app, PhotoTagger, works with Facebook to "auto-tag" faces in photo albums.

It's unclear exactly how Facebook plans to incorporate the technology and employees of Face.com, which it purchased for between $55 million and $100 million, according to news reports. (The exact terms of the deal haven't been disclosed.)

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